Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Does God Always Answer Prayers?

During the Mash Strength Spectacular we concluded the competitions with a free “Mentorship” activity.  Basically we set outside under the lights, and a panel of special guests answered any and all questions from the athletes and visitors that chose to stay.  The event was in honor of my late friend Chris Moore as we talked about doing this together.  We didn’t have Chris with us of course, but we did have his wife Jani Moore.  It was an honor to sit by her and answer all the questions from the audience about programming, fitness, stretching, life, business, and faith. 

One question was asked via email the next day.  I am not going to mention this young man’s name, as I am not sure that he wants me to, but the question really hit home.  He had watched the episode of Barbell Shrugged where I talked about my wife being diagnosed with cancer two days before our wedding.  On the show I explained how I would lay beside her every night begging God to heal her.   See my wife is the only woman that has ever gained my love.  I am not quite sure what God did to me, but my heart belongs to Emily Drew Mash.  I couldn’t accept that God might take this angel from my arms. 

That doesn’t mean that God was under any pressure to heal her.  He does what He wants.  Yes He loves us, and yes He does all things for our good: Romans 8:28 And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. 

I believe this with all my heart.  That doesn’t mean that His idea of good is the same as ours, but you can guarantee that His version is exactly what we need.  My wife used to send tingles down my spine, when she would talk about her confidence in God’s healing powers.  She was convinced that God was going to heal her either on the earth or in heaven, and she didn’t care which.  The verse that kept her going was:  Malachi 4:2 “But for you who fear My name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings; and you will go forth and skip about like calves from the stall.

His question was that his mother that had raised him as a single mom with no family around had been diagnosed with cancer a few years ago.  He too prayed every night that she would be healed, but she wasn’t.  She did live three years when they had given her only four months to live.  However she wasn’t healed.  He asked me if God did that.  So here is my best answer.

God is sovereign over every thing, so in one way or another he is responsible for everything.  He is either causing it or allowing it to happen.  However this is a fallen world full of sin, evil and corruption, and that’s our fault not his.  He has never promised that we were going to be happy on this earth.  We are to be content because of what He has already done for us, but that doesn’t mean that life is lollipops and gumdrops.  It’s not. 

So does that make God mean in the case of your mother?  No not at all.  If your mother believed in Him, then she is loving life right now.  She wouldn’t come back to visit even if she could because she is in the presence of our Creator.  What more does one want?  Then there is the thing that is happening with you.  Number one her sickness caused you to pray every night.  That means you were brought closer to God for that time, and now you are pondering this question, which is also causing you to ponder God.  Instead of focusing on just the death of your mother, you might want to think about everything that is going on. 

Some of the things that happen in life will never be able to be explained by us.  We just have to trust that God is working it out for the people that have faith in Him.  Let’s look at Houston.  I mean that was a tragedy that has killed 60 people so far, and the aftermath is going to kill more people with contaminants.  However how many people have turned to God because of this tragedy?  How many people in the country forgot about the ignorant racists in the country, and instead focused their attention on helping one another regardless of race or ethnicity.  How much love will be spread as they rebuild over the next few months.

When you ask God for something, you simply have to let it go and trust that He will give you exactly what you need as long as your faith is in Him.  This is pretty deep, and I am sure that several of you want get this, but you believers out there will know exactly what I am talking about.  I hope this helps.