Recovering from Total Hip Replacement
Exactly six weeks ago I had my right hip totally replaced
with an anterior approach (FYI I highly recommend an anterior approach). My
surgeon was Dr. Howe of OrthoCarolina, and I can say with 100% confidence that
Dr. Howe is an absolute magician. I interviewed three different doctors that
all came highly recommended. I decided on Dr. Howe because he seemed the most
up to date on the research. He really pours himself into his craft continually
reading and going to conferences, not to simply mark off his continued
education, but to get better at his job.
Six weeks later and I am Clean & Jerking, squatting,
deadlifting, and lunging. Some of you might think that I am going too soon, and
I respect your thoughts and concerns. However, I feel confident in my approach,
and I trust the people that I am working with on designing my recovery program.
There are a few parameters that I am staying within:
Full range of motion and proper movement is my
main concern
I’m staying at a 7 or less RPE
I’m trying to strengthen my hip in multiple
ways: flexion, extension, abduction, and adduction
Squatting is high frequency, since this is the
movement that I want to continue with for the long haul.
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I have no way of knowing if my approach will work for you.
Maybe it would hurt some of you, but without a doubt my hip seems to be
improving at a rate faster than other people. There is absolutely no pain now.
The movement in my surgical hip is better than my good hip. The main thing that
I am keeping in mind is that I want all the ligaments and tendons to strengthen
around the new hip, so that my new hip is stable.
So far my X-Rays show my hip way ahead of schedule, so I am
confident that my approach is the way to go for me. The goal is to spend the
first 4 months strengthening my hip joint to a point that I can start pushing
things a bit more. One thing that most of you have to remember is that
everything is relative. Yeah I might be front squatting 300 pounds, but that’s
less than 50% of my best front squat. Heck most people that get total hip
replacements can barely squat their own body weight, so they are going 100%
days after the surgery. I have over thirty years of weight training, so my
hip/body is used to a bit more than the average person.
Here’s the good news that I can tell all of you. I am
playing with my children more now than I have in the last four years. I am
getting down in the floor with them. I am running in the back yard with them.
It’s like a second chance at life all over again. I have to tell you that
things were pretty bleak those last few months. Imagine doing something for
34-years, loving that thing, and then all of a sudden not being able to do it.
That’s exactly what happened to me. I didn’t want to train anymore because it
hurt so badly.
Not working out for some of you might now be a big deal. For
me it’s a really big deal. It’s a part of me. My career and my hobby have been
centered on weight training my entire adult like. I was lost as a person unsure
of who I was. It was sad to say the least. I am ‘me’ again thanks to Dr. Howe.
So now what?
Someone like me has to have a goal to chase. I don’t know
any other way, so I’ve decided to compete at the end of this year. The goal is
a Super Total. Now I am not expecting massive numbers, but I don’t want to get
embarrassed either. The goal for August is:
115kg/253lb Snatch
145kg/319 Clean & Jerk
250kg Back Squat
170kg/374lb Bench Press
275kg/606lb Deadlift
I feel that I can hit these fairly easy without losing any
fitness because I want to start focusing on my cardiovascular as well. I am
going to figure out a Row or Bike goal in the near future. I also want to drop
down for all of this to the 198lb Class in powerlifting. This puts a fire in me
to focus on my nutrition, which is another goal I have. Mainly I want to be
strong, fit, lean, and mobile for my wife and children. That’s the real goal
Here’s a look at my initial workout that I started this
Day 1 Monday
Wks 1-3
Warm Up
Leg Ext+Leg Curl+Air Squat
1a. Front Squat
3RM (1st Rep Paused)
1b. Bench Press
2a. Lunges
3 x 8ea leg
2b. Chest Press Machine
3 x 10-15
2c. Rows
3 x 10-15
3a. Abductions
3 x 10
3b. Pushdowns
3c. DB Triceps Extension
Day 2
Warm Up
Sled Drag, Belt Squat, and Reverse Hypers
OH Squats
Clean & Jerks
5 x 2
15-30 minutes
Day 3
Warm Up
Leg Ext+Leg Curl+Air Squat+Lateral Lunge
1a. Deadlift
1b. Breathing Paused Front Squat
1RM Paused 3 Depp Breaths
2a. Standing Strict Press
3 x 5
2b. Hyperextensions
3 x 8
3a. BHN Snatch Grip Presses
3 x 5
3b. Plate Raises
3c. Biceps Curl
Day 4
Day 5
Warm Up
Leg Ext+Leg Curl+Air Squat
1a. Back Squat Wide Box Squat
1b. Closegrip Bench Press
3RM, then Drop set AMRAP
2a. Lunges
3 x 8ea leg
2b. Incline Hammer Strength
3 x 10-15
2c. Rows
3 x 10-15
3a. Adduction
3b. Nosebreakers
3c. Pullovers
Day 6
Warm Up
Sled Drag, Belt Squat, Rev Hypers
OH Squats
Hang Clean & Jerk
5 x 2
1a. Pullups
3-5 x submaximal
1b. Belt Squats
3-5 x 10
1c. Bike or Row
3-5 30-60 sec
As you can see, it’s pretty basic, but that’s what I need
right now. I will add volume, when my hip allows. Right now, it’s all about
consistency and frequency. I will update each stage along the way as the plan
advances. For right now this is what I need.
Am I crazy? Maybe! However this is who I am. I have been
this person my entire life, and I don’t see that changing anytime soon. Nothing
makes me angrier than when someone compares me to other people. For example
someone was comparing me to Dave Tate, and his recover process. No offense, but
I am not Dave Tate. I have never been concerned about what other people were
doing because I knew that I was going to do more than them. Is this the right
approach? I don’t know, but it’s who I am y’all.
I’m not sure that God gave me the best genetics. He gave me
some good ones minus height that is lol. However, he gave me one quality that
has allowed me to beat most of my competitors, and that is determination and
drive. I don’t like limits. Why do you think that I won three world
championships and broke multiple world records? Why do you think that my
Olympic weightlifting team is dominant in America?
I started training at my original gym “Jack King’s Gym”. Not
to be cheesy, but there is something to going back to one’s roots. The very
smell of the place reminds me of the desire that I had as a young man. I will
be training at 5am on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at Jack’s Gym. I will train
at the Mash Compound Tuesday and Saturday. I will take Thursday and Sunday off
to hang with the family.
How far will I take it? Man I don’t know, but I can promise
one thing: “I will die doing what I love, and I am ok with that.”
P.S. We have a new section on our website about our At Risk Youth Program, so go check it out please: